Wednesday, May 2, 2007

New layout

I've been experimenting with new layouts. It's complicated because a lot of the templates out there don't translate well to blogger. There's always something wrong with the html code and I'm just not familiar enough with html to make the correct edits. Oh well. I decided to just get a picture off the internet (hopefully I won't get in trouble for using it). It's a Bloc Party image and I'm not sure if someone made it or if it's an official picture. Speaking of Bloc Party, they are coming to Orlando in May and I'm trying to decide if I want to go (if tickets are still available. I need to check.) because they are playing the UCF Arena. I've never been there. I saw them in a very small venue down in Ft. Lauderdale last year and that was great. Is the UCF Arena big? I'll have to check it out. I like seeing bands in small clubs and bars. I love it when they come to the House Of Blues. That place is great in my opinion. Quite a few come to the Social but that is maybe a little too small. I saw South there and the little stage was so small one of the guys tripped over a wire and unplugged an instrument! They recovered well, though. That was a good show. Okay, I've rambled on enough about this.


Emily said...

Looks the new look

cassie said...

I saw the Bloc Party photo and had to stop to comment.

I saw Bloc Party when they came to Orlando back in November (?) with the Panic! at the Disco Nothing Rhymes with Circus Tour. I liked Bloc Party, it was the first I'd heard of them. I always meant to follow up on them and listen to their CD. It was very difficult to make out the lyrics during the concert. I think they only did 3 shows with that tour because the drummer (?) found out he had a collapsed lung and that was the end of that tour for them.

The concert was at the UCF Arena but I think they're building a new one...? It wasn't how I imagined an arena would be. More like a large high school basketball gym. I could be wrong though, I got to the concert late and the lights were out and it was stage-smokey. It was definitely more intimate than I would have imagined an "arena" but fairly large.

blix said...

See, I was wondering about the arena because Ticketmaster had them there for this show and I thought an arena would be too big. I was happy to find out they were actually going to be at Firestone. But now seeing what you wrote about the arena I kind of wish it was going to be there after all.