Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I'm Christina and I work in Collection Development. I have used blogs before, mainly Livejournal, and mainly as a lurker. I'm an expert lurker. So that's one thing I will not have to learn.


OCLS Learn 2.0 said...

Hi Christina,

I am hoping that I can get you to UNLEARN your lurker-ness!!! I am looking forward to hearing (or is it seeing?) some of your thoughts and ideas as we go through the course.


chasingbutterflies said...

I have always been a lurker also. It's kinda exciting. Now that I have my own blog there will be more lurkers like me.

bbbb1313242 said...

Heroes is by far my favorite television show. My favorites are Issac, Claire and Hiro. Only 2 episodes left after tonight... woot! Can't wait to see what they have planned for next season.

Anonymous said...

Are you still lurking? I think I saw you lurking around the other day. LOL! I'm the same as well . . . it's nice to move from lurker to poster.