Friday, June 29, 2007

Music police

All I've done to try and avoid the RIAA police knocking at my door is to stop downloading music from all the various illegal downloading sources. My first experience was with Napster back before this all became a to do. I moved on to Kazaa and then to another one of which I forget the name. But, then, I got "wimpy" (a friend's word who still downloads this way). I remember reading about a mother from New York, I think, who got notice from RIAA that her daughter was downloading N'SYNC music illegally and they were fining her like $1200. I thought to myself, if they are going to go after a little girl they're going after everybody. I stopped cold turkey. I did manage to get some good music first, though. I personally, always used these downloads as a preview (I can't always tell in 30 seconds) and if I liked the band, which I could tell after a few songs, I would go and buy the whole CD anyway. I'm kind of old-fashioned that way and slow to latch on to the next new thing. It took me awhile to start on CD's back when my whole music collection was on cassettes and vinyl. To sum up, I wish this wasn't a big deal and I'm not above getting CD's from my friend (the illegal downloader).
I really liked upto11. The layout was nice, sort of encyclopedic which seems to be popular. I looked up some bands and while a lot of people had dissimilar tastes more had the same interests as me. Liveplasma was okay.

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