Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Press play

I came across this video while searching for The Postal Service on YouTube.


OCLS Learn 2.0 said...

Cool video! Do you anything about it?

blix said...

Actually I was just about to edit my post to say I know nothing about it. I just came across it in YouTube while looking up The Postal Service. It's pretty cool, though.

Booker said...

Sweet. I saw the Downtown library there at the beginning! And...great music...not sure mellow is the right word, but I found it very cerebral or Zen...

DeeryLou said...

That's cool that our library is featured in the video. I was trying to remember the name of the interactive light sculpture that's shown in the video and I came across this article:
This part interested me the most:
"There is also a riddle for the curious pedestrian etched in a nearby panel. If the person correctly deciphers the pattern stated in the riddle and presses the touch plates in a particular order, the waves respond with a "dance" of their own."
I'm going to have to try this.

Southside said...

This was a great video! I also enjoyed the music. Ditto for what Deerylou stated. That sounds interesting.

lola belle star said...

I love Postal Service!!! cool video.