Thursday, September 11, 2008

I'm back.

I've decided, a little late, to participate in 2.1. I'd like to learn a little more about open source software and what's new out there on the web that I might find useful. I like things that don't take a lot of typing, though. As I think I've said before, I'm more of a lurker than an active participant. I don't have an iPhone and I barely use my iPod and I absolutely do not text. So my main use of the web is on the computer (a laptop) but my dream is to find the perfect handheld device that's not necessarily a phone (I don't use my cell a lot, either) that I can use the internet on. Any ideas?


Booker said...

What I would like is a voice activated web browser/GPS that would then also pull up info. So, sometimes I know sort of where I am, but need the hours of the closest toy store or Barnes and Noble so I may or may not need directions based on if they are or are not closed. And factoring in where I am in the car at the given moment. THAT is what I want.

blix said...

I know, you are always randomly and at random hours roaming the streets of Orlando looking for someone to let you in! "I need the latest Mario Megapartyallstarallsportsdoeverythingatonce game!"

OCLS Learn 2.0 said...


Believe it or not we are very similar in our technolgy uses. I am almost anti-do-everything-phone. Probably because it creates a single point of failure. When your phone breaks, or you loose it, you also loose your media player, your camera and photos, your texting tool, your IM tool, an email tool, your car keys, your id, your birthday, your hair etc etc etc. When I loose my phone all I want to loose is a voice communication device and maybe my contacts! Off the soapbox now!
Welcome to the course, you aren't late, the ship hasn't left yet! We are glad that you made it!


DeeryLou said...

I don't have a computer, I only have a cell phone because my mom pays for it, and I just texted for the first time this year, so I can relate.
JTF (Jean Twins Forever)